Monday, May 25, 2020
Notes On Loss And Loss - 1013 Words
Loss is one of the most common experience that each of us share with all of mankind, no matter our age, where we live, what we do. Yet when severe loss occurs in anyone lives most of us feels awful and have no idea how to bring about our painful emotions and continue with our day to day lives (Wyatt, 2010). Loss is the experience of parting with object, person, belief, or relationship that one values. †¢ Losses are come across daily by everyone. †¢ Losses can be minor or major. †¢ The influence of loss depends upon the value the person placed on what was lost. There are two type of losses, 1. Tangible (Actual or physical): They are actual and easily acknowledged for e.g. Death, loss of body part, changes in physical health. 2. Intangible (perceived or psychological) losses are less obvious and may be tied to personal opinion such as one’s prestige, power, dreams, plans, security etc. Grief is the process of psychological or physiological response a person experience after a loss of valued person, object, belief or relationship. †¢ Losses leads to mourning – the period of time during which the grief is articulated. †¢ Bereavement is the period of grief following the death of the loved one. Everyone experiences grief as an individual and its impact depend upon the individual past experiences with loss, their culture, their coping skill, belief system, faith and life experiences. Normal grief response to loss: †¢ Immediate response following death is probably shock, numbness andShow MoreRelatedA Short Note On The Loss Of Myelin Essay1214 Words  | 5 Pageswire. Myelin allows a nerve to transmit its impulses rapidly. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Is College Education Really Worth It - 1485 Words
Is a college education really worth it? A college education is definitely worth it, with a college degree, you will be given even more opportunities and benefits than you would as a high school dropout or even graduate! it will allow you to earn a more gainful amount of money than a high school dropout and graduate and even more than a 2 year college degree. Although if you are a 2 year college graduate or 4 year college graduate and studied in the field of mechanical engineering, graphic design, or even becoming an analytics manager then you would possibly be able to make more money than that who obtained a 8 year degree. College education also allows for more job opportunities than that of a dropout or high school graduate. People who†¦show more content†¦Secondly, gaining a college education will allow for more money to come into your pocket. It expands your horizon farther than that of a high school diploma and dropout to gain money. Those who gain some college, but no d egree earns a median pay of $756 a week with an unemployment rate of 4.4%. Associate’s degree earns a median pay of $819 a week with an unemployment rate of 3.6%. Bachelor’s degree earns a median pay of $1,156 a week with an unemployment rate of 2.7%. Master’s degree earn a median pay of $1,380 a week with an unemployment rate of 2.4%. Professional’s degree earns a median pay of $1,745 a week with an unemployment rate of 1.6%. And those with a doctoral degree make a median pay of $1,664 a week with an unemployment rate of 1.6%. So of course, gaining a college education will allow you to earn more substantial quantities of cash than that of who gains a high school diploma. Thirdly, even though college has it’s advantages, college also isn’t for everyone. College education is deemphasizing as a primary goal of education systems. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Are The Most Lasting Effect On American Government
1. What are the legacies of the Marshall Court? Which decision do you think has had the most lasting effect on American Government? The Marshall Court has left numerous legacies in place in order to help establish this great nation. Chief Justice Marshall was a man that had many impacts on our Government from strengthening the authority of the Supreme Court in Marbury v. Madison, which gave the courts judicial review, to Gibbons v. Ogden, which gave the national government undeniable power over interstate commerce by ruling a New York steamboat monopoly invalid. There were many other cases as well that were important to the government’s growth; such as Fletcher v. Peck that made it where a state law can never overthrow anything that came against the Federal Constitution. Chief Justice Marshall presided over many cases and ruled over such cases in a way that he felt would benefit the ever growing American nation. Through it all he helped establish three legacies; helping to make the federal government supreme over all things that would control the economy, he also helped to open the pathway where thereâ₠¬â„¢s an increased federal part to be played in economic growth, and finally in an effort to further any and all new industrial capitalist economy, he helped to make permanent protection for corporations and private businesses so that the states couldn’t interfere. These legacies helped to establish a better American nation in more ways that we can know. A key part of all of thisShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression Of The 1930s Essay1689 Words  | 7 Pagescrash. The Global Crisis on the other hand, was a more recent recession caused by sub-prime mortgages and mortgage backed securities, that didn’t have as much of a lasting effect as it did on having a spreading effect on other economies. 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It is the mo st significant setback in the American Economy to date.Read MoreThe Great Depression : The Fall Of A Nation1701 Words  | 7 PagesDepression: The Fall of a Nation The Great Depression was a hard time for America. The name fits like a glove because it was, in fact a depression. The Great Depression was crucial to American history because it changed every aspect of American life, revealed how big a power America was, and it established multiple government agencies around the world to make sure something like it never happens again. The economy was at a highpoint in 1929. It was easier for people to buy stock (â€Å"Stock Market CrashRead MoreEssay on Ronald Schaffers America in the Great War1523 Words  | 7 Pagesstart of the American welfare state and the beginning of big government. America in the Great War was structured in chronological order of the war, from Americas mobilization to the actual fighting. What the book did not include is a detail account of the fighting. This was the biggest draw back in a otherwise well thought book. The book begins with the mobilization of the United States industry and man power. The first two chapters dealt with how the Federal Government shaped the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Human Resource Planning and Staffing Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Planning and Staffing. Answer: Background Information The process of determining the future employment requirements and the availability of the working employees and others externally hired to meet the requirements and executing the businesses strategies in an organization is called workforce planning (Chiba, 2017). This is the basis of staffing in many organizations, even in Cherns, since it aids in identifying and addressing the unforeseen challenges in the company when executing business strategies. The five steps in the process of workforce planning include the following: Identification of the strategies Explaining firms philosophies and decisions on staffing. Analyzing of the workforce. Developing and implementing action plans. These help address any gaps between labor supply and demand forecasts. The strategies should go hand in hand with the philosophies of the firms talents. They will include recruiting, compensation, retention, management of succession, training as well as development Monitoring, evaluating and revising of the action plans. The first three steps have been extensively discussed and we will only discuss the last two steps. Overview of Forecasting The ideal business forecasting demands that an organization should identify its key operational factors (Teigen, 2015). This operational factors includes the forecasting of information to compile complete and accurate data in real time. The above steps will improve Cherns ability to make forecast that are accurate about the needs of the staff. According to (Ravazzolo, 2015), the time line for forecasting any business activity will be most essential in the organization and will depend on whether the industry that organization operates is either predictable having a relatively stable environment of between five to ten years forecasting period or has an unstable, dynamic environment of 6 to 12 months period of forecasting. For Cherns its period of forecasting lies within a range of 3 years. These forecast are just dynamic estimates hence should always be revisited and an update done regularly (Chiba, 2017). Since these forecasts are sometimes uncertain, Cherns should develop estimates as ranges that will provide low, probable and high estimates as well as recalculating the estimates as adjustments can happen anytime within the business environment as well as the expectation or the assumption of the firm can change. The specifics of forecasting A firm should be able to predict its labor supply and demand and also locate any reliable, standard sources of information both inside and outside the firm to predict the business operations. Some of the business operation forecasts will include rates of interest, currency exchange rates, competitors, seasonal operations and many others. Forecasting Labor Demand When doing this forecast it is essential to look at the minimal and the optimal levels of staffing to analyze the demand for labor. The demand for labor at Cherns will depend on the forecasted business activity and the needs of the business, that depend on the strategies of the business (Belhaj, 2013). The needs of any business will include the following: achieving the levels of staffing that will help generate a certain amount of revenue at a certain time interval, increasing this levels of staffing to enhance a growth strategy, decreasing this levels of staffing when restructuring the firm or obtaining new skilled talents essential in the creation of new products or services (Ferreira, 2016). Some of the ways that help forecast demand for labor include scatter plots, ratio analysis, trend analysis, and ROI analysis. Forecasting Labor Supply To ensure strategic and good staffing then a firm will have to be keen on their markets for labor. This is crucial for Cherns so as to maintain its competitiveness in the market. During formulation of business strategies then a firm will have to acquire adequate information on the quality and number of employees required in that organization (Apichatibutarapong, 2015). So it will be vital for any company even Cherns to have an appropriate estimate of the available talents for its topmost positions before even coming up with strategies that depend on its talents. In order to forecast the accurate labor supply, Cherns should be able to combine its current levels of staffing and the anticipated gains or losses. This will help give an estimate of the target position for a given time point (Apichatibutarapong, 2015). The losses or gains anticipated in the firm will be looked upon by identifying the data on previous operations, and estimations of future adjustments. All these estimates are affected by the firms internal and external labor market which includes people not working for the firm. To forecast the firms internal labor market, the organization will need to estimate the levels of competency and the employees number at the end of the period of forecasting (Ahokas, 2016). Additionally, it will need to forecast the talent resources, minus the anticipated losses from the employees at the start of the period of forecasting. These losses are as a result of factors such as demotions, promotions, retirements, transfers, and resignations. Any gains that are anticipated will be added. The gains may be from the promotions, transfers among others (Rachid Belhaj, 2013). Various methods are available to help forecast the internal labor market and this include employee surveys, talent inventories, replacement charts as well as the judgments from management. I have made a well description of one very vital method called the transition analysis in this paper. Transitional Analysis Transition analysis refers to a method that is applied to scrutinize the labor markets and predict the internal supply of labor. This technique is quite simple and also very effective in making analysis of the internal markets of labor in an organization. This is very essential, not only in planning of the workforce but also in answering of the questions posed by recruits about the paths of promotions and the promotion likelihood (Chiba, 2017). It also helps predict the employees currently working and are likely to be employed at some point in different positions. Nevertheless, this analysis is best for a limited number of jobs for easy interpretation. The below matrix I have developed will help Cherns to see its predicted employees for the next year. Resolving of the gaps in the labor supply To address efficiently the existing gap between the required number of employees and the current number of employees, the company will be required to design an action plan. This action plan will address efficiently the forecasted surplus or shortage of employees (Ahokas, 2016). In addition, understanding whether a surplus or shortage of applicants is as a result of temporary factors or just a reflected trend likely to go on is also vital since different strategies in staffing are essential. As clearly shown in the transition matrix, Cherns have excess employees. One essential solution to this will be transferring employees to new locations that the company has planned within its five years (Belhaj, 2013). Most of those employees should be transferred to the fifteen stores that this firm plans to open every year. This transfer will enhance increased revenues. These will lower the costs of staffing since new few employees will be required to fill these stores. Additionally, Cherns will also be able to retain its skilled talents contributing to the companys growth. Nonetheless, if this does not happen then Cherns does not have other solutions at its hands whether these surpluses are permanent or temporary. Temporary Surpluses of Employees This happens when a company faces a temporary slowdown. If this occurs each and every time, then the company will need to employ some temporary workers that it can easily retrench when the business operations are slow (Ahokas, 2016). This will help the permanent employees and provide them with job security. Another options are doing layoffs but this should be temporary and need to last for periods more than 6 months to be economical since there will be additional costs of rehiring and retraining. Permanent Surpluses of Employees In this case Cherns should consider implementing permanent laying off of employees, no employing of employees to feel the vacated positions, implement early incentives on retirement, and other methods. These methods could cost the firm. Early retirement of some employees will cause the firm to lose the skilled employees. Layoffs will hurt the workforce as well as damage the firms reputation (Chiba, 2017). Some of the unfilled positions will make the organization departments understaffed. Action plans will be essential to address this surplus and should involve reassigning of employees, steering employees away from the jobs in that position. However, Cherns is also facing high deficit in the full-time sales associate positions, that should be well assessed to maintain the firms competiveness. On the matrix above, Cherns will need to employ at least sixty employees to reach its goal of employing a hundred and forty full-time employees. Also, it needs to have at least 1778 applicants in order to recruit employees to overcome the deficit (Belhaj, 2013). The calculation was based on the previous recruiting data. To determine this number then it is essential to look at the previous yields in staffing as well as the yields in hiring. Based on the above the following chart was developed: Based on the attached documents it can be clearly shown that this shortage is likely to be temporary (Belhaj, 2013). This is because the employment changes anticipated to occur between now and ten years at the current state which this principal store is located almost corresponds the employment changes of the entire nation. When assessing this shortage. It is vital that hiring in this case is reduced since it costs the organization more money. Furthermore, expensive recruiting methods like using of search firms or lowering the standards will not always work in this method. The expensive methods of recruiting employees will always drain the budget of recruiting and not even realize the goal in recruiting (Statistics Norway, 2016). Nonetheless, other methods can still be used to realize the 140 target number of employees. This will include offering of new incentives on hiring such as bonuses on the sign-on as well as bonuses on retention. Persistent Talent Shortage Based on the findings and the conditions above, a shortage of employees may occur and even last for a longer period as per the preferences of consumers (Ahokas, 2016). For Cherns to maintain its competiveness capability in the market then it needs to decrease its demand for the talents and increase its technology innovation and also redesign jobs so that different people with the required talents are only required (Bjrnstad, 2010). Cherns may also increase its supply of the required qualifications since this is more practical and faster. Conclusion I hope that this paper has the required information as per the Cherns staffing needs and its planning in the work force. I am optimistic that this information will be essential in forecasting your business activities. Similarly, it will inform you on the demand and supply for the employees inside and outside the environment of your business. I also hope that all the assessments of any gaps are also efficient in the assessment of your businesses. Recommendations Cherns should continuously and systematically identify the talents of each candidate. Secondly, the company should also build the capacity of its current program. Also it is of utmost significance for the organization to put into consideration succession management, and to treat it as a progressive process. Finally, there is need for the company to ensure that it assesses the competencies of each applicant so as to come up with suiting training programs. References Apichatibutarapong, S. (2015). Business Forecasting Technique on Mobile Devices by Using R - Programming. Suan Sunandha: Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, . Francesco Ravazzolo, a. L. (2015). Forecasting GDP with global components. 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Time-Varying Transition Probability Matrix Estimation and Its Application to Brand Share Analysis. Plos One.
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