Thursday, December 26, 2019
Bullying In The Workplace Essay - 1499 Words
Bullying in the Workplace Ââ€" On February 14th 1999, Silvia Braun, a policewoman from Bavaria/Germany did not appear in her office in Munich. Some of her colleagues found the 22-year-old woman later in her car on a service area on a highway Ââ€" she had shot herself with her own rifle. Braun, an ambitious and determined woman, had no money problems, she did not suffer from any mental illness and she was not in love with someone who did not return her feelings. What was it that had made life unbearable for her? She had been being bullied for almost one year. She felt being humiliated, intimidated and sexually molested by her superior. This case shows how disastrous and dangerous bullying in the workplace can be. Unfortunately, the vast†¦show more content†¦Even worse for those affected by bullying is social isolation. Nobody talks to you, nobody will warn you if the boss comes around to check whether the employees do their work correctly and if you enter a crowded room a terrible silence cuts all conversations immediately. A colleague of yours may constantly defame you among all colleagues and spread (untrue) gossip about your private life in the company. You did not know that your children are gay and your partner has several love affairs? Now you know. Bullies might not always be aware of the severe consequences of their actions but this cannot condone the sorrow and pain they inflict upon the victims. Bullying often evokes psychosomatic illnesses. Victims complain about headache, heart diseases, dizziness, nausea and sleep disorder. Bullying becomes the dominating part of their whole life; they cannot do anything without thinking of the horror of the next workday. Weakened as they are, victims become an even easier target for people who want to harm them. It is a vicious circle, hard to break out for those terrorized by bullying. Many of them think of committing suicide as the last way out. There is no doubt that taking ones life is the worst possible solution. But how should you react if you become the victim of bullying? One has to be aware that those who are bullied often cannot be blamed. In contrast to the common opinion weakness, self-consciousness and incompetence at work do notShow MoreRelatedWorkplace Bullying And The Workplace1529 Words  | 7 PagesWorkplace bullying is something that is a big contemporary problem, that I feel is often pushed under the rug and not discussed. Workplace bullying can effect a person’s health, and it can also affect their role as it relates to their workplace performance. I would like to discuss workplace bullying to help those that has been through this or is currently going through this. I want to provide different steps workers can take if they feel they are being bullied in their workplace. According to theRead MoreWorkplace Bullying And The Workplace3373 Words  | 14 Pages Workplace Bullying By 4 Seasons By: David Lam, Jolly Pandaya, Tavric Chance, and Sharon Jusczak Table of Contents What is workplace bullying and where does it come from? 3 Workplace bullying 3 History of workplace bullying 3 Damages cause by bullying 3 Facts about work bullying 3 What constitutes workplace bullying? 3 Mean boss vs. bully 3 Physical and psychological effects 4 Non-verbal characteristicsRead MoreBullying in the Workplace2670 Words  | 11 Pagesï » ¿Introduction Bullying in the workplace has always been an issue that has not been given much importance. It is indeed a problem that should be addressed by the concerned personnel because it can result in many health and safety issues, especially when nurses are bullied at their workplace. From the beginning of times, people who are deployed at a senior post to tend to look down upon the students or new people who have just started work. Nursing is also one of the professions in which the freshRead MoreBullying in the Workplace2514 Words  | 11 PagesBullying in the workplace is one of the most significant challenges facing companies today. According to the Waitt Institute for Violence Prevention nearly half (49%) of all workers in the United States have been a victim or witnessed abusive behavior towards an employee ( Bullying in the workplace is similar to childhood bullying, but workplace bullies often operate within established policies of their companies. Th ey commit deliberate acts against employees or co-workersRead MoreThe Effects Of Workplace Bullying On Workplace Essay907 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many reasons workplace bullying is costly and preventable. Workplace bullying can occur among all people and different venues. In school and business, practicing bullying it is unlikely to conducive positive performance and it is costly and preventable. The key is creating a positive work environment where bullying is not rewarded. Senior management and executives should take control of stopping workplace bullying and realizing it is possible for employee and employer to work together toRead MoreWorkplace Bullying And Workplace Harassment Essay4824 Words  | 20 Pagesevery single person is trying to be better than his/her peers or subordinates, the instances of workplace aggression leading to workplace bullying and workplace harassment are very common. Work organizations are like any other social setting where scarce resources, competition, time constraints to complete goals, personality of individuals often leads to workplace bullying and workplace harassment. Bullying and harassment are situations where a worker or supervisor is systematically mistreated and victimizedRead MoreAdult Bullying And The Workplace1555 Words  | 7 Pages Adult bullying in the workplace has become quite commonplace and its consequences can be far-reaching. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 146 million Americans are employed in the United States, and an estimated 54 million of those are bullied at work (Namie, 2007). These statistics are staggering. Bullying is defined as a combination of verbal abuse and behaviors that are humiliating, threatening, or intimidating and create harm (health, social, or economic) to individuals and mayRead MoreWorkplace Bullying And The Victim1644 Words  | 7 Pages Workplace Bullying and the Victim When a nurse is bullied, she often develops the feeling associated with disappointment in regards to being a nurse and their ability to handle the bully. The feelings of failure manifest into actions. The nurse’s productivity decreases, which leads to actions of incompetency. Workplace bullying causes physical and emotional illnesses in the victim. Workplace bullying is a stressor. A stressor is defined as anything that generates stress. The body responds to stressRead MoreThe Effects Of Bullying On The Workplace925 Words  | 4 PagesPressure / unwitting bullying – working to unlikely time scales as well as providing minimal supplies to finish the given task. Corporate bullying – a business manhandle with an exemption, knowing the law is feeble and work business sector is delicate. Organizational bullying – a blend of force and harassing happens when an association battles to accustom to evolving markets, decreased salary, a decrease in financial plans, forced desires, and other acute compulsions. Institutional bullying – settled inRead MoreEssay on Workplace Bullying1084 Words  | 5 Pages Workplace Bullying Angela Barbato BUS 600 Management Professor Frank Bucaria February 8, 2014 Workplace bulling is abusive behavior that creates an intimidating and uncomfortable work environment that affects another person or persons safety or well-being (Qualia Soup, 2014). The article Workplace Bullying: Costly and Preventable by Wiedmer, T.L. (2011) discusses work place bullying and its effects on productivity and the work environment. Workplace bulling
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Gay Marriage Pros and Cons - 1152 Words
Marriage Is Not Equal For All Gay Marriages Mikaela Acosta Gay marriage has been subject to taboo because our society has this conformed and learned version of marriage; marriage is only held between a man and a woman. Although this is more common today to hear of gay couples, in the first couple centuries in America this was almost unacceptable to general society. Beginning in 2001 was when gay marriage began to become much more widespread starting in Canada, Norway, Belgium, Argentina, Sweden, South Africa, and Iceland. The actual first introduction of gay marriage does vary from different jurisdictions. Gay marriage is such a topic of interest because of the various conflicts in which it brings up, such as religious, civil†¦show more content†¦ISSN: 08962383 Accession Number: 502651234 Database: OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson) 2. Same-sex marriage, same-sex cohabitation, and same-sex families around the world: why â€Å"same†is so different. Authors: Saez, Macarena Source: American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy the Law; 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p1-54, 54p Physical Description: Bibliographic footnotes Document Type: Feature Article Subjects: Cohabitation; Gay couples; Gay marriage ISSN: 15573753 Accession Number: 502142706 DOMA and the happy family: a lesson in irony. Alternate Title: Part of the Symposium on DOMA and issues concerning federalism and interstate recognition of same-sex relationships Authors: Wasserman, Rhonda Source: California Western International Law Journal; Fall 2010, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p275-303, 29p Statute: Defense of Marriage Act of 1996; Pub. L. No. 104-199, 110 Stat. 2419 (1996); codified at 28 U.S.C.  § 1738C (2006) and 1 U.S.C.  § 7 (2006) Statute Jurisdiction: United States Physical Description: Bibliographic footnotes Document Type: Feature Article Subjects: Gay marriage -- Laws and regulations; Parent-child relationship; Gay couples; Gay parents; Custody of children; Legislative history ISSN: 08863210 Accession Number: 502129764 Database: OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W.Show MoreRelatedThe Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage1370 Words  | 6 PagesThe Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage LP 3: Argumentative Essay Patty Waters NAU Composition II Sue Cochran, Instructor Sunday, March 24, 2013 Abstract This essay covers the pros and cons concerning gay marriage. You will discover some new laws and amendments that are about to happen in our country, and some things that people are against. There are many issues that will be covered from rights and benefits to getting married legally. You will read reports, stories and articles from lawyersRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gay Marriage1367 Words  | 6 Pagesdefinitions of marriage. Some say the definition of marriage is between a man and a women, while others say its about two people no matter the sex that commit their lives together because they love each other. There are many different definitions of marriage and it all depends on simply whom you are talking to about it. In past generations many people thought the definition of marriage was just so that they can reproduce children. Debate Content: Cons: The institution of marriage has traditionallyRead MoreEssay on The Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage1019 Words  | 5 Pagessame-sex marriage. Is this a good thing? Homosexuality is illegal in many countries. Leaders punish their own citizens by jail, or even death, for being gay. In the United States, however, many states allow gay marriage. Some people approve of it, but also, some do not. Society also plays a big part in the gay marriage legalization process. Same-sex marriage is a major controversial issue in the United States; specific examples would be the views of Americans, pros and cons of same-sex marriage, andRead MoreDid We Go Too Far?1383 Words  | 6 PagesWalker Did We Go Too Far? Same-sex marriage continues to be a very high debated issue in our society without a firm foundation to base our beliefs on, leaving most of us trying to find answers still. Now that the Supreme Court of the united states has rules that the constitution guarantees a right to same sex marriage’ What was known as â€Å"marriage†, the union of a man and a woman only, is starting to diverge. The Oxford Dictionary of English definition of marriage reads â€Å"the formal union of a man andRead MoreGod Hates Same Sex Marriage Essay978 Words  | 4 Pages Marriage is a precious gift given from the good lord up above. Marriage is a privilege that should be allowed to only a man and a woman. In the bible there are many scriptures that back up my opinion on marriage, and none of the scriptures say same sex marriage is okay. In this modern day and age people are altering the definition of marriage. People are trying to add between a man and a man or between a woma n and a woman. The importance of my topic is to keep the original definitionRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal966 Words  | 4 PagesGay marriage is one of the most debated and controversial issues in today’s society. Everyone has his or her opinions on gay marriage, whether it is acceptable or should not be allowed. According to The Washington post, â€Å"59 percent say they support same-sex marriage while 34 percent are opposed†(Craighil, P., Clement). While 59% of the supporting gay is a high number, however that number is skewed. There is a difference between tolerance and acceptance, but the 59% is the total of the both. PeopleRead MoreWhy Marriage Equality Is Not At All A Harm Society Or The World912 Words  | 4 Pagesin the world become more knowledgeable to that child. In my own life, the one issue that stuck with me is marriage equality. I believe everyone should have the right to marry whoever they feel their soul-mate is in the world. Even though some believe it is wrong, there are many reasons to prove marriage equality is not at all a harm to society or the world. To start, the definition of marriage (according to is the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock. No whereRead MoreEssay on Gay Marriage 1616 Words  | 7 Pages Gay marriage is a very talked about topic in are country that shouldn’t be ignored. I believe men and women should be able to love freely and not be shamed by it. Marriage is a great factor in the United States. To some people it’s what we live for; is to get married and start a family. To not give everyone the same opportunity to have a happy marriage and family is unlike us. This problem is bringing a lot of hate, the same hate that was used in racial discrimination so why not give gays equalRead MoreThe Debate On Homosexuality And Homosexuality1229 Words  | 5 Pagesis defined as, the sexual or romantic attraction to members of the same gender. A male who practices homosexuality is known as being gay. The word ‘gay’ did not originally have any connect ion to a sexual connotation. In fact, the word was originally express feelings of happiness or carefree attitude. It was not until the twentieth century that people used the term gay to indicate a sexual orientation. Opposite of males, female homosexuals are given the term lesbian, which is derived from the poemsRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1434 Words  | 6 PagesGay marriage has slowly become a significant factor amongst individuals of today’s society. On June 26, 2015, it was ruled out by the U.S. Supreme Court that gay marriage was now legal. The first thing that I thought was that â€Å"Wasn’t it already legal in the United States?†Well, apparently no it has not been legalized in the United States! (Dumb me.) The U.S. is known to be a nation of equality and gives everyone the freedom of the speech, but it is actually a nation full of racism, sexism, and homophobias
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Modernist Style in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkne Essay Example For Students
Modernist Style in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkne Essay ss Heart Darkness essaysModernists Experiments in Heart of Darkness In Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, a chaotic form of writing takes place which is characteristic of the Modernists experiments in their style of literature of stream-of-consciousness. Written before WWI took place, he spoke of a different type of chaos and uncertainty present in the world at this time; the issue of slavery. Heart of Darkness describes a voyage to Africa, common for the British still, despite the horrific treatment which was apparent of colonization. The chaotic, stream-of-consciousness style Conrad took on helped to display the confusion, and made the reader have to interpret for themselves what they thought the writer meant. Conrad experiments with this style, leaving some sentences without ending: not a sentimental pretense but an idea;something you can set upand offer a sacrifice to. (Conrad, Longman p. 2195), a very choppy form of literature and causes the reader to fill in the holes and interpret themselves, alone. Conrad skips about from talking of the two women knitted black wool feverishly at the gate of the city (of hell), to his aunt which he feels women are out of touch with truth, to how the British are as weak-eyed devil(s) of a rapacious and pitiless folly (Conrad, Longman pp. 2198, 2199, ; 2202). Conrads mind moves about as ours do along a large duration of literary monologue to convey to the reader the authors ideas, as interpreted by the reader. Conrads narrative frame also continues his experimentation with literary form in Modernist style. Two separate monologues are present throughout Heart of Darkness. The first part starts out with an unnamed narrator aboard the ship Nelly, describing to himself, as well as to the reader, those aboard the ship, particularly Marlow. At first, the narrator is not known for sure to be a character aboard the ship until a few paragraphs later identify him as a person observing the others-Between us there was, as I have already said, (Conrad, Longman p. 2193). Marlow gradually takes over the narration, beginning And this also, said Marlow suddenly (Conrad, Longman p. 2194) is the first breaking point in Conrads Modernist narrative experiment. By page 2195, Conrad has Marlow take over the entire monologue narrative, as the unnamed narrator jumps time after time, but is rarely thought of for the majority of Heart of Darkness.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Poem Freedom Essays - , Term Papers, Research Papers
Poem: Freedom Freedom. I dig my feet into the sand. Stare at the stars above me burning bright. I close my eyes and hear the ocean, I taste the salt upon my lips. The rapid winds send shivers through my body, I feel as if I am a fish. Swimming through the ocean waters No work, all play No worries to drown me. I swim; I jump, free falling into the ocean, I dig my feet deeper into the sand It clogs between my toes, feels rough upon my heels I look deeper into the sky, see the moon the sun a star. I close my eyes tighter to hear the sound of dolphins swimming Freely in the ocean I taste the air upon my lips, The wind takes me higher and higher Spreading my wings, flying with the wind Through the white fluffy clouds. I look down upon the world I live no work, all play No worries to pull me down. I fly, I sing, I triple spin through the sky, I open my eyes, here while I sit on the sand. Reality hits but I am still in dream land, No one can tell me how to dream, So I am nothing here but free. Poetry Essays
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